Hello Out There
Youth STEAM Program as part of “The Eternal Ether” residency at Greywood Arts and the National Space Centre at Elfordstown Earth Station, Cork.
October – November 2022.
Learning to write their names in Morse Code.
Hello Out There was a series of workshops with three primary schools and the Greywood Arts youth club, it was part of Science Week and ran alongside a residency at Greywood Arts, my role was to create a STEAM program that responded to the work the artists who were in residence were making.
The workshops centred around the idea of earth – moon communication, thinking about how light and sound travel through space. We looked at the James Webb telescope images and thought about how long it took for those images to reach us. We used long-exposure photography to learn about this in practice. We also looked at different analogue means of communication, specifically Morse Code. The young people came up with their own questions that they would like to send out into space using morse code. We experimented with making morse code with sound and light. We then combined all of our previous experiments to make long-exposure photographs to create a permanent visual of that Morse code communication. At the end of the workshops series, the young people's work was displayed in the National Space Centre during Science Week.
Each class created a morse code alphabet and chose 4 questions, I then used their alphabets to assemble their questions into “sentences”.
Morse Code Translater